Concept Album: Story Development & Mentorship

Get support, guidance, and feedback on your lyrics so that all songs on your album contribute to one powerful story.

Let's tell a story.

Tell a captivating and powerful story on your first or next concept album!

So that you can take your audience on a meaningful and engaging journey from the first song to the last.

IF there is something on your mind that is so important to you that you want to write an entire album about it...
SO THAT you can bring your story to life and make it a captivating experience for your audience ...

AND it is your dream to write an album that will go down in history as unforgettable as Green Day's "American Idiot" or "The Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance ...

AND you want to work with a story editor to guide you while you write your lyrics and develop the story and its "chapters"...

Then this is for you!

Please tell me...

Does this sound familiar to you?

  • You want to write a concept album but don’t know how to pull it off — so you haven’t started. You wrote down some notes. Maybe you even have an idea or a basic story outline. But you don’t know what to do with it.
  • You're unsure which direction to take on your new album. You want to try something new. But you can't come up with concept album ideas or do not know how each song can support that story in its unique different way.
  • You’re suffering from self-doubt wondering things like: Am I even good enough to write a concept album? Do I have what it takes to tell one single story over multiple songs? What if I just can't do it?
  • You've done your studies, read books and blog posts, went to seminars and talked to other musicians, but you still do not know if your story is any good. Truth be told, this dream to write a concept album just feels overwhelming to you.

Working With A Developmental Editor

Songwriting requires you to be a musician, a producer, a composer, a lyricist, and a storyteller. While fulfilling all those different roles can feel overwhelming, let me support and guide you in crafting the global story and each 'story chapter' for your concept album!

Work with A

Story Grid Certified Editor

For any phenomenon, you have to figure out three things: its structure, function, and organization. If you can get a grip on those three things, you can get a GESTALT of the whole.

That’s what we do at Story Grid. We look at macro structures and at the micro organizational pieces.

The Global Macro Structure of Storytelling is the largest structure that we can use to universalize storytelling. If you want to write a masterwork story on your concept album (one that will transcend time), you have to bring together six core genres into a synthesis that creates this beautiful complex whole (the global story) that actually feels real.

A story that seems more real than real is a masterwork because it takes all the boring stuff out of life and condenses it into a very tightly wound-together collection of story moments. And especially, when writing a concept album, it's about condensing it into its most impactful whole.

Just Imagine

It Could All Be Different!

  • Having a clear and comprehensive understanding of what kind of story you'll be telling on your album so that you know exactly the different stages of your story that you can include in your songs.
  • Choosing the songs as single releases that express the most significant moments of the story told on your concept album.
  • Feeling confident and inspired when you write instead of overwhelmed, confused, and full of doubt.
  • Having a personal guide to brainstorm ideas with, troubleshoot problems, and keep you on track. Who inspires and guides you to find the story that is just waiting to be told.

You will go on a journey.

You can trust the feedback of a Story Grid Certified Editor, and know exactly what you need to do to write a compelling concept album that can become your legacy!

This is what the world could look like for you:

  • x

When you write a concept album that your fans will love and that will reach so many people, think about how good you'll feel when you can proudly say you've mastered this supreme discipline of songwriting.

  • x

When you write the lyrics for the songs on your album, think about all the people who will feel connected to you because your songs speak to them.

  • x

When you create something meaningful that will stand the test of time and make you unforgettable in the hearts of your fans and everyone who rediscovers your songs.


Writing all the songs for your concept album is one thing... Creating a Compelling Story (that works!) is Mastery!

So here's what you can do:

Powerful Lyrics Masterclass

Option 1: Do It Yourself

You could try and figure out how to tell a great story. There's lots of information online about storytelling. Some of it is useful and might help you, while other things can lead you down a rabbit hole, and make you doubt if this is a good idea at all.

You can just go ahead and try it on your own. I recommend you check out the Story Grid, since it is the most comprehensive methodology on storytelling. This stuff works, but it can take a couple of years to grasp it all.

Powerful Lyrics Masterclass

Option 2: Ask Friends and Family for Feedback

You can share your concept with friends and family and get various opinions. At best, you get solid feedback about what someone liked or didn't like about them.

Unfortunately, it will be hard to figure out WHAT led to someone liking or not liking your story and HOW you can turn that story into a concept album.

So all you'll probably end up with are some good guesses but even more insecurity about what to do.

Powerful Lyrics Masterclass

- OR -

Option 3: Join the Mentorship.

Powerful Lyrics Masterclass

Leverage my expertise and experience so that you can write your concept album.

We will develop your global concept together so that we know the story works and abides by the audience's expectations. Furthermore, I help you break down the story into the necessary moments (chapters) for the songs and help you with character- and plot development from the big concept down to each required story moment to bring it all together into a coherent whole that will feal real and believable to your audience!

You will have the lyrics for a powerful concept album that has the power to hook, engage, and captivate your audience from the first song to the last!


What A Developmental Editor Can Help You Achieve.

Leveraging the expertise of a Developmental Story Editor will give you the necessary feedback on how to create your story & write the lyrics so you can release a concept album that is engaging, compelling, and meaningful – one that can even become your legacy.

Did you know there are 120 story moments that go into a masterwork story (divided into the 6 core genres). And it's possible to weave them ALL into a concept album. My Chemical Romance has accomplished this with their album "The Black Parade" in 14 tracks!

Here's how and why I can make you this promise.

I am Melanie Naumann, and I am an Independent Consultant for Record Companies and Music Artists, as well as a Certified Story Grid Editor, author, and Developmental Lyric Editor.

Choosing to work together with a Story Grid Certified Editor to develop and write the story told on your Concept Album is the smartest choice you can make. We can help you tell a story that works, and guide you every step of the process.

And you know, for me, it's my calling to help songwriters leverage the power of storytelling so they can write lyrics that have the power to make an emotional impact on someone's life. It's about crafting narratives in lyrics that create an emotional connection with the listener and let you, as the songwriter, communicate what matters to you so that it resonates with your audience and, with that - leaves your legacy.

You don't have to take my word for it.

What other songwriters are saying about my feedback.

What's Included in the Evaluation of Your Album's Song Lyrics

#1 – Discover the Heart of Your Story

Get guidance and support to find the one story you truly want to tell so that you put your time and energy into a project that's meaningful to you.

We brainstorm central ideas, themes, and concepts and talk about the progression each storyline can take. That will provide you with a clear understanding of the options you have to tell your story and find the one story that resonates the most with you.

#2 – Plot- & Character Development

We will develop an intriguing plot, as well as (a) compelling character(s). You will also be able to rely on a step-by-step outline of your story so that you know exactly what each song needs to accomplish to support the global story told on your album. (And yes, we will track all the six core genres that go into a masterwork across your entire story line - by using the Story Grid Blueprint!)

Furthermore, you get a detailed cheat sheet of the most anticipated moments of your story and the character development of your protagonist so that you can focus on writing instead of worrying about what to include in your songs.

#3 – Feedback on Your Lyrics

You'll get detailed feedback on your song lyrics and your story so you can stay on track. You'll know what you're already doing well and how to improve. That means you won't waste your time writing lyrics that don’t work and that won't resonate with your listeners.

You can send in one lyric/week for detailed feedback.

#4 – Weekly 1:1 guidance, coaching, and support.

Friendly and encouraging 1:1 support from someone who knows how to tell a story that works. No more wondering if your lyrics are good enough. I will be your developmental editor so you can spend more time writing and improving your lyrics and skills. → (Tailor Made Sessions specifically for your needs - 3 Month Program with 12 Sessions, 6 Month Program with 24 Sessions)

Additionally, you get access to me via WhatsApp, Mon - Fri for quick questions about storytelling in songwriting & your lyrics between sessions.

#5 – Lyric Mastery Success Path - PLATINUM

PLATINUM unlocks the entire Success Path that offers an in-depth exploration of every concept and framework with many song examples and ways to implement it in your songwriting.

  • You will have full access to the Lyric Mastery Success Path so you can complete the entire course, master narrative songwriting, and write compelling lyrics!
  • Get the 600-page Workbook with the course so you can go through the course and have all the frameworks already there. Just fill in the blanks so you don't have to write and draw until your hands ache.

#6 – Lyric & Album Power Evaluation

Once all the tracks are written, get an evaluation of the power of your lyrics and album so you know how strong each song and album are and how you can improve them. This evaluation of your lyrics' power will also provide you with a great overview of which songs are the strongest for releasing as singles.


You’ll learn how to tell a story that works on your album PLUS how to make your listeners connect with your songs – so that they will turn into your fans and the album into a success story.

Need Help to Decide?

Let's take a moment to see if this is right for you.


  • If you're not committed to making a difference through your music
  • If you're not interested in crafting impactful lyrics that resonate with your audience
  • If you're looking for a shortcut to fame and success. We believe in the power of hard work and dedication.
  • If you're unwilling to put in the effort or blame external factors
  • You can't accept feedback or constructive criticism on your songwriting.


  • You want someone to help you create a powerful story and tell it through every song on your next album.
  • You look for an expert storyteller and coach who knows what makes a story work, what doesn't and how a story can be improved.
  • You want to take your songwriting to the next level and are willing to do the work.
  • You understand that investing in professional feedback is the key to becoming a better storyteller and songwriter.
  • No matter if you want to write a rap, punk, metal, electronic, or folk concept album, you know that the craft of storytelling applies to all music genres.

When this aligns with you, it's time to rock this thing together.


Just A Couple of Steps to Get Started on Your Concept Album.

  • Fill in the form below and hit the button to get started right away.
  • We'll get on the phone and talk about your project.
  • We create and develop the story for your concept album.
  • We write songs together that not only tell one great story but that also change lives & create meaning!

Let's get Started!

Join the Mentorship to get Support in Writing a Compelling (Concept) Album

  • Weekly 1:1 Premium Coaching, Guidance, and Support → (Tailor Made Sessions specifically for your needs - 3 Month Program with 12 Sessions, 6 Month Program with 24 Sessions)
  • Recordings of all our 1:1 calls on your personal dashboard so you can review them anytime.
  • In addition to the weekly sessions, get detailed feedback on your lyrics and the narrative as you work on your songs. The feedback may be global and/or inline feedback, depending on the level of the lyrics. → One Lyric/Week
  • Discover the Heart of Your Story & so you can put your time and energy into a project that's meaningful to you.
  • Let's develop the Plot and Characters together so that you have a solid global concept and compelling characters.
  • Once all the tracks are written, get an evaluation of the power of your lyrics & album so you know how strong each song is and, how strong your album is, and how you can improve them.
  • Once all the tracks are written: Recommendations for single releases.
  • Access to me via WhatsApp, Mon - Fri for quick questions about storytelling in songwriting & your lyrics between sessions
  • Get Full Access to the Lyric Mastery Success Path and the guide so you can complete the entire course, master narrative songwriting, and write compelling lyrics!

1. Contact Information

2. Choose Your Option (USD)

Payment details:

We've already recorded some songs. Is it too late to do this?

Not at all! Of course, it's best to do create the concept before you go into the studio to record your album. But if you've already recorded some songs, we can lock in what you got, and create the other songs for the album that will be like the missing links to connect the story and bring it all together.

What qualifies you to evaluate song lyrics?

I am a Story Grid Certified Editor. That means I was personally trained by Shawn Coyne. He is an editor with over 35+ years of experience in editing manuscripts and has worked in the "Big 5" publishing houses. He is the creator of the Story Grid methodology which helps writers tell powerful narratives. I renew my certification every two years to stay on top of my game. Furthermore, I have analyzed over hundreds of song lyrics, and I am the creator of LyricMastery and all the concepts around the ART of writing song lyrics.

How do I send you the songs for the analysis?

I focus on the lyrics of the songs and not on the implementation of the music. So it's totally fine if you send me the lyrics in a Word file, in a Google document, or in a PDF via email.

We're unsure which direction to take on our new album. Can you help us?

Absolutely! Let's get on the phone and discuss what keeps you from getting started. Please send me an email to, and we can have a chat about it and if this is the best option for you.

We've only written a couple of songs, but would like some feedback before we continue. Can you check them out?

Yes, of course! We can get started with this right after you've joined as a DIAMOND member of the Lyric Mastery Circle. To get started, you can also get feedback on one of your song lyrics or book a 30-minute coaching call with me. For more information: please click here. If you want to talk about this offer here on this page, you can also send me an email at, and we can have a chat about it and see if this is the best option for you.

We're not interested to do a concept album just yet. Can we still hire you for creating an album together?

For sure! Even if you don't want to write a concept album, we can also work together on your album. I will help you communicate what matters to you in a way that resonates with your listeners, help you create an emotional connection with them, take them on a journey, and give them an engaging experience, while also delivering a meaningful message. Use the form below to benefit from the DIAMOND level of the Lyric Mastery Circle and get unlimited 1:1 support for your project.

We can't send out demo tapes, but can you check our songs anyway?

Yes, absolutely. You don't have to have the music ready in order to apply for the analysis of your song lyrics. I focus only on the lyrics and not on the melody or the musical implementation. So send me the lyrics of the songs as a Word document or PDF.

Do you work as a topliner as well?

When working together, I focus on consulting, coaching, and writing lyrics together because I believe everyone has a story to tell. And I want to support you to be able to tell what you need to express in your songs. So I'd love to work WITH you to help you write powerful and captivating lyrics.

Can I submit lyrics that are written in another language?

Yes. I also accept lyric submissions in Spanish, German, and English.

I have another question.

Alright, no worries. Please send me an e-mail to and I will get back to you ASAP.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: I don't believe in "the perfect lyric" formula - only in the power of storytelling, adding value, building a true and meaningful message, and serving others with excellence and providing a great listening experience. My programs are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while leveling up your lyric writing craft. My programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don't enroll in my programs if you believe in the "lyrics are dead" myth; I only want serious people dedicated to real professional development who want to add value and move humanity forward. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with my ideas, information, tools or strategies. I don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? I just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies. What I can guarantee is your satisfaction; I give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of my training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by my company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and I do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any numbers or claims referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average stats, exact stats, or promises for actual or future performance. Making decisions based on any information presented in my products, events, services, or web site, should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience risk or losses or setbacks just like any personal or carreer endeavor. Use caution and always consult your manager, band members, or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a change of your lyric writing style. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold me liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. Anyway, all of my terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link above. It's basic stuff -- don't think you're guaranteed to write hit songs easily or at all -- but I feel transparency is important, and I hold myself (and you) to an incredibly high standard of integrity. That's why I also put my disclaimers on all my pages, why I give you my contact information for any questions, and why I give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Thanks for reading this. Until next time. Now go make a difference today.

© Melanie Naumann, Lyric Mastery